Persistence pays at Taekwondo World

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Master Yoo, Kim and all the Instructors at Taekwondo World for the wonderful job they have done with our son Ethan. He has moved in leaps and bounds since joining the club and is already at a blue belt level. Ethan is a shy and timid kid. He started at Taekwondo World in April 2009 at age 4. Our aim was to have him build on his self confidence in preparation for Kindergarten in 2011.

This club stood out from the rest when we conducted our research. Taekwondo World has a great facility, specific age group training, a structured program and a fantastic group of trainers. Their timetable is very suitable for weekly training of younger children. It was very difficult for us initially as Ethan did not want to train. He would cry before we even left the house. When we arrived at the Dojang he would refuse to remove his shoes and hang onto our legs. The Instructors literally had to peel him off us! It was very disturbing for us to watch our child so upset – but we persisted. The turning point came when one of Ethan’s Grandmothers offered to take him to an extra class during the week. She is a much tougher person in terms of emotions and she literally would deliver him to the Dojang and go back to her car. This coupled with our weekly Saturday classes seemed to help Ethan overcome his fear. Within a space of a few months we found he had settled down and to our amazement started to enjoy the program. We think the thrill of moving up the ladder in belt colour also helped. As parents I think it fair to assume that most children work out from a very young age how to get their parents to work around them. You can bet any money if the activity you are trying to introduce does not represent fun in their minds, then you can be sure they will reject it. It is very important to persist especially if you are convinced that it is in the best interest of your child. We are proof that patience and persistence pays off. Ethan is more than ready to start school and we can’t wait to enroll our second son Tristen next year. We highly recommend Taekwondo World to anyone considering joining.

Kind regards

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