Ashley Thompson
Instructor Ashley has been involved in Taekwondo World since 2016 and is currently a 2nd Dan Black Belt.
During her time training, Ashley has been involved in various club and community run events (incl. taekwondo demonstrations, taekwondo grading, and high school physical activity and
sport studies etc.). Ashley’s involvement in the 2019 Taekwondo World Demonstration Team has allowed her to grow confident in her abilities as a black belt. Ashley strives to improve
upon these abilities so as to also improve upon her instructing.
Over the past year Ashley has been working as an instructor for Taekwondo World at the Castle Hill centre. Ashley strives to convey her enthusiasm for
taekwondo through both instructing and training and she is hopeful to see the students continue with taekwondo in the years to come.
Ashley currently instructs at our Castle Hill Headquarters.